Sleep helps us synthesise new ideas - not just remember the old ones. If you're in the midst of a 3 day cram session for your end of semester exams (we don't judge - we've all been there) it's important to note that when you get enough sleep, pieces of knowledge can be pulled together from different experiences and parts of the brain to help you see the bigger picture. Ultimately, that's an important step in trying to solve a problem or make an advance in the things you've been learning.
When you're stuck in the throes of #studentlife, it may seem impossible to get some valuable shut-eye in - but believe us, it IS possible to get enough sleep to experience the full range of benefits it can provide (your grades will thank you too).
When Possible, Plan Your Classes Around Your Sleep Cycle
You're no hero for choosing the 7am class. Instead of adapting your sleep habits to your schedule, try to adapt your schedule to your sleep habits. Avoid early morning or late night classes if you know you'll be out of it at those times, and try to pick classes during the times when you're most alert.
Your Bed Is For Sleeping Only
Your bed is not a desk. Cardinal rule number one: The bed is a no-go zone for anything else apart from sleep!
If you plan to study, read, watch Netflix, or eat, do it anywhere else. The couch, the lawn, your favourite cafe - but the bed is a no-no.
Resist The Temptation Of The Weekend Sleep In
The Force is strong with this one. It may be tempting to stay up all night on Fridays (it is the weekend after all) until the wee hours of Saturday morning, but it’s best to wake up at the same time on Saturday and Sunday as you do during the school week.
Reward Yourself For Sticking To A Wake-Up Time
No one wants to get up at 7am, so give yourself a little incentive. Cheeky Croissant before your first lecture of the day? Don't mind if we do.
Falling asleep in class is a surefire sign you're not getting enough sleep at night, and if you're viewing your classes as opportunities to catch up on sleep, chances are you won't be absorbing much information from them either. Once this starts happening, it may be time for you to carve out a sleep ritual that's based on the classes and study times you already have.