With all these fast paced changes, many of us are finding ourselves home more than usual. Whether we're working from home, home-schooling, self isolating, or simply social distancing, spending so much time in your home can be a massive adjustment. Here's how our Co-Founder, Shea Morrison is making this shift a positive one, and ensuring a good night's sleep.
Written by Shea Morrison
Preparing for a good night's sleep starts first thing in the morning, so I've really enjoyed my structured morning routine. However, to acknowledge this new change, my family and I are taking this as an opportunity to let go of all of the old routines for now and to start some new ones. In my household, I now have my husband working from home, as well as our 7 and 5 year olds. It's a time to let go of our past structure and flow into a new one. It's a great time for us to have extra long cuddles with our partner or children in the morning and really appreciate that we don’t have to rush off and be anywhere. Our nervous system is going to love us right now!
My number one tip for adjusting to home life is to start by creating a new morning routine. Use your morning to set up how you want the day to flow. While we are in this ‘home’ cocoon, look at the new practices you can implement for your family - read some books, play a game of cards, try out an online yoga class, cook breakfast together, and make time to talk... Many of us are feeling quite anxious and stressed moving into this time of unknown so it's important to talk about how you are feeling, by discussing this as a family in the morning it is helpful to offload any anxiety early in the day so that you can move forward and enjoy your day.
How to create a new morning routine
If you're like me, your past morning routine was very structured in order to get out of the door every morning, so now is a great time to look at what a new morning routine could look like. I'm now enjoying having my lemon in hot water in bed and contemplating what my day might look like, enjoying cuddles with my children, and talking about their favourite thing from the day before. While we are homeschooling, we plan out the day ahead and if it's a ‘tuckshop’ day, my children write their orders on a brown paper bag and put it in the basket! I can do my morning exercise a little later because I don’t have to be anywhere in a hurry, and we can all sit down and enjoy our breakfast together.
1. Let your routine be more fluid and in line with what is going on for you right now
If you're working from home, you may have just cut down on commute time so think about what you might like to fill that time in with - like a morning walk. Be cautious that you don't spend all your extra time in bed - remember a consistent sleep-wake cycle is one of the most important considerations when it comes to a good night's sleep. Curious? Here's more on the circadian rhythm.
2. No technology first thing
Give yourself at least an hour without reaching for your phone (your nervous system will love you for it). Do your best to put boundaries around how much media you consuming in the morning and across the day.
3. Exercise or meditate
Get outside, enjoy fresh air, and get moving. If you can, try a walk around the block or stream one of the millions of online exercise and meditation apps, many are even free, like Down Dog or FitnessBlender.
4. Journal
This is a great time to start journaling and recording all of thoughts and feelings, we are living in a once in a life time global events and it is important to record what is going on and how you feel to look at in years to come
5. Eat healthy home cooked meals
Even if you don’t like cooking now is a great time to start, cooking can be a great creative outlet and learning a few basics never hurt anyone. We have more time and can really enjoy cooking nutritious and healthy meals. Bonus points for sleep friendly meals!
6. Be grateful
Research says being grateful can boost our immune system & regardless of what is happening right now there are so many things to be grateful for – water, family, friends, devices to keep connected, tissues
Finally, please remember social distancing doesn't mean emotional distancing. Staying connected with friends, meditating, allowing yourself to feel gratitude, and moving around are a few things that can help support our bodies and sleep cycles through this adjustment. A good night's sleep starts in the morning so create a healthy routine that works for you.