This Full Moon in Pisces embodies the choices we make in our everyday lives and continues the theme from last month. Everyone is different so expect the unexpected!
Full Moon Pisces 21 degrees
AEST Brisbane / Sydney / Melbourne 14 th September @ 2:32pm
AWST Perth 14 th September @ 12:32pm
UT London 14 th September @ 5:32am
EDT New York 14 th September @ 0:32am
PDT San Francisco 13 th September @ 9:32pm
Life can be messy and unpredictable at times as we navigate the emotional waves of our life. Pisces is otherworldly and governed by emotions. This mutable sign is the dreamer of the zodiac casting a magical aura over the harshness of everyday realities. However, with the illumination of the Full Moon, we can also experience unfathomable depths of emotions such as sadness, loss and grief due to heightened sensitivities at this time.
Confusion may abound as we discern what emotional energies belong to us or what we may be sensing from others?
With the sun currently activated in Virgo, we are acutely aware of what is happening in our day to day existence. We may be experiencing low physical energy, restlessness and irritations as the full moon is in a tense opposition to the planet Mars (impulsive & action-orientated). Be gentle and compassionate with yourself as we are relational beings and we may simply have to embrace the changes that are happening in our lives. It is important to stay with your sensing body rather than worrying too much about what may or may not happen. Tinctures and essential oils help calm a worried mind and relieve anxious thoughts. Stay hydrated with good quality, environmentally aware water.
There is a strong focus on health and well-being. Cast your mind back to February this year to the Full Moon in Virgo. Ask yourself are there any themes that are ongoing or being revisited again at this time? Are you supporting your physical body with healthy sleep patterns, nutritious eating and light exercise?
In these accelerated times it is important to take time out of our busy lives with no planned schedule for the day or at least for a few hours. When emotionally drained or brain fatigued, we need to retreat to a quiet place in nature or spend time by the ocean daydreaming. Play music, meditate, watch the moon and the stars.
Give yourself permission to be creative and relax. Bath rituals are soothing for the soul and calm a busy mind at bedtime. Neptune is the modern planetary ruler of Pisces. It is a trans-generational planet of evolved love and oneness developing a sense of trust for a higher purpose in life. A ritual to do at the end of the day is to release all your worries to the Universe. Change the focus from worry to gratitude for all you have in your life. Set intentions with the sublime Piscean Full Moon to allow healing to take place and create more magic in our lives for everyone to share!
To support yourself during this period, you can find some carefully curated products in the Moon Edit selected to help you find calm and stay centred during this phase.
See you next lunar month for the dynamic Full Moon in Aries….
Mikailah is an astrologist, star witch and earth poet who embodies ancient practices in a contemporary form. Her transpersonal work speaks to the artist, the creative, the free-spirited entrepreneur and the visionary. Mikailah offers a unique fusion of astrology and intuitive earth wisdom sessions by video call for our global community.
Find out more at mikailah.com